4 min read

On August 12th Foregenix participated in the 5th Edition of the 2021 PCI SSC Latin America Forum as a Gold Sponsor for the event. During the event, important updates on the region’s threat landscape were shared, and how stakeholders’ participation within the Council is helping to secure payment data.

Participants to the event included Lance J. Johnson (Executive Director), Emma Sutcliffe (Senior Vice President and Standards Officer), Troy Leach (Senior Vice President and Engagement Officer) and Carlos Caetano (Associate Director, LA Region for Brazil) along with many other prominent members of the PCI SSC. During the course of the event, a multitude of presentations and panel discussions were held, presented by expert members, covering topics ranging from PCI DSS certifications to the Software Security Framework (SSF).

One such presentation we would like to highlight, related to PCI SSF, was delivered by Foregenix’s own Flavio Bonfiglio Sorans (Head of PCI Software Security Framework) alongside dLocal’s Chief Information Officer, Javier David. The presentation, “Mitigating Common Risks in e-Commerce with PCI SSF”, presented a real-world case covering software security and the challenges of implementing protection mechanisms to e-commerce’s common and current risks scenarios and how the PCI SSF can provide help to mitigate these risks.

Would you like to see the recording on-demand?

Did you miss the event or would like the opportunity to watch Flavio and Javier’s presentation to learn more about how PCI SSF can help you mitigate risks within an e-Commerce landscape? Follow the link below to view the recording – this will be available until the 27th of August 2021. You will be able to watch the recording with subtitles in the language of your choice (English, Spanish or Portuguese).



For more information, you can visit the PCI Standards Council website and see more details of the event and the Software security Framework: PCI SSC Latin America Forum 2021 

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