
Foregenix, the global leaders of IT security and data forensics, has announced the opening of its Latin American office in Montevideo, Uruguay.

One of the world’s most promising emerging markets with an increasing risk of cyber-crime, Latin America is home to 560 million consumers and has forecasted growth rates of 4-5% over the next five years*.

With offices already in the UK and South Africa, Director Christian Charette will head up the Montevideo office bolstering their global presence. Speaking about the announcement, he said:

“With cyber-crime continuing to soar globally, having a physical presence in the developing region will allow the team to build on our global client base and ensure both retailers and consumers in the region are doing all they can do to ensure they are to be cyber secure.”

“Latin America has a lot of opportunity with a growing middle class and impressive improvements to infrastructure, retail, both on and offline will remain a key growth sector of the region.”

Foregenix offers simple, effective and strategic consultancy services and industry leading data security products to their global client base of Acquiring Banks, Service Providers, Payment Application Providers, Hosting Providers and Merchants.

Intrinsically involved in the Payment Card Industry since the inception of the Security Standard in 2004, Foregenix was the world’s first Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) to certify Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) applications and solutions.

For more information email or call +44 (0)845 309 6232

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